In the fourth workshop, the indicators from the third workshop, which were concretised by the project team, were agreed upon with the participants, from which they can then derive the first steps for implementing the vision and the goals, the success of which can then be measured using the indicators found.
In order for the participants to enter the implementation phase together and thus develop their climate adaptation self-efficacy, milestones were defined – co-creatively – along their target values and the correlating indicator sets. This process was accompanied by summaries of the work done so far and, on the basis of this, proposals for possible next implementation steps (e.g. on financial support possibilities (regional, EU, etc.). In addition, some case studies (good practice) were used along the main target values and their indicators.
Professionally supported by Meike Bukowski and Nils Schielke, the participants worked out the contents of two templates in two groups, namely a “Canvass project business model” and a distribution of tasks in the respective project team.